Dr. Jeffrey Eyerly, D.C. specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause(s) of musculoskeletal conditions. Your body is a complex machine designed to move. When one piece of the machine breaks down, the rest of it has to pick up the slack. That is why injuries happen and why injuries don’t resolve on their own. He will help you to uncover the root cause of your problem and begin along the path to fixing it.
Dr. Jeffrey is a second generation chiropractor with an extensive passion within himself and his family for helping others to live fully and thrive along their own path through life. He takes a holistic approach to health and wellness to overcome the many physical and mental challenges inherent in our lives by means of knowledge, compassion and goal-oriented positive outcomes.
Dr. Jeffrey received his undergraduate bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Temple University is Philadelphia, PA and continued his education to achieve his doctorate in chiropractic medicine from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida in 2015. He applies his set of skills and experiences to finding the “why” behind problems and fixing them in a progressive and comprehensive manner to strengthen the foundations on which the body functions.
When not in the office, Jeffrey enjoys cooking, reading, exercising and volunteering.